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Academic Catalog
    Feb 02, 2025  
Academic Catalog - Spring 2020 
Academic Catalog - Spring 2020 [ARCHIVED]

Campus Life

Life on campus reflects a mixed community of graduate and undergraduate students and their families. There is a robust sense of community among the seminary family, as students participate in life events together, serve in local churches together, and are equipped to serve the church in the same classrooms. In addition to this robust sense of community, there are a number of elements of campus life that work together for edification, equipping, and encouragement of the students and their families.


We believe worship is a way of life, and we desire for all our academic pursuits be to the glory of God and the advancement of His church. Under the leadership of the president, professors, and guest speakers the Southeastern community gathers in Binkley Chapel twice a week during semester sessions to collectively worship through prayer, song, and hearing God’s word in order to foster the spiritual formation of students and faculty alike. 

Kingdom Diversity Initiative

Our desire is to make God’s Kingdom vision of people from every tribe, tongue and nation worshiping together a reality on our campus and in our churches. To that end, the fall of 2013 marked the beginning of Southeastern’s institution-wide strategic initiative called, “Kingdom Diversity.” Our desire is to recruit and equip students from every corner of the Kingdom, to serve in every context of the Kingdom. For more information, click here .

Academic Ceremonies & Lectures

Formal academic ceremonies open and close each semester, and, throughout the school year, Southeastern’s regular curriculum is enriched by various lectures and conferences. These sermons, lectures, and addresses are open to the general public.

The first chapel service of each semester is a high occasion when students, faculty, and administration dedicate themselves and the semester to the Lord. The convocation opens with a faculty procession, and newly elected members of the faculty publicly sign Southeastern’s articles of faith. 

Guest Lectures
The Carver-Barnes Lectures were established in 1961 to address the history and the mission of the church. They are funded in part by the income from a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Fechner of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee Beaver of Chesterfield, Missouri. These lectures are named in honor of W.O. Carver (1868-1954) and W.W. Barnes (1883-1960) for their outstanding contributions to theological education. The Carver-Barnes lectures are now managed by the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith & Culture.

Established in 2011 and made possible by a generous gift from Mrs. Drummond in memory of her late husband Dr. Lewis Drummond, fourth president of SEBTS (1988-1992), the Drummond-Bush lecture series honors Dr. L. Russ Bush who at the time of his death was professor of Philosophy at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and director of the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture. The lecture series addresses apologetic and cultural issues related to the life and ministry of the Church.

The Adams Lectures on Preaching and the Pastoral Ministry, named after Theodore F. Adams, were established in 1976. These lectures honor Adams’ (1898-1980) contribution to Christian ministry, as he taught at Southeastern from 1968-1978. These lectures were endowed by friends of Dr. Adams.

The Page Lectures were established in 1979 and are funded by the income from a gift of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Page of Plainfield, Indiana. These lectures bring outstanding theologians to Southeastern addressing a variety of subjects of interest to the Christian community.

Faculty Lectures
Each Fall and Spring, a member of the faculty gives a public lecture in his or her field of expertise. Faculty members who are retiring deliver a lecture during their final semester, called The Last Lecture, to provide them an opportunity to speak to the seminary community from the wisdom gained during their years of service in Christian ministry.

Family members and friends gather with graduates on these days of recognition of academic achievement. The President typically gives the commencement address, and the Deans present the candidates for each degree.


Southeastern hosts a number of conferences each year on a variety of topics, all of them designed to advance our mission of serving the church and fulfilling the Great Commission. Some conferences are held in partnership with ministries like 9Marks and the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina.

GO Conference
The GO Conference, formerly the 20/20 Collegiate Conference, is held each February. It draws college students from the Triangle area and beyond to hear nationally-renowned speakers on issues of gospel and culture. In recent years the 20/20 Collegiate Conference has centered on themes such as “The Gospel Comes to Life,” “Missio Dei,” “Sex and the City of God,” “The Scriptures Come to Life,” and “Ekklesia.”

The 2016 conference, will be on the theme, “To the Ends of the Earth.” This is directly connected to our mission at Southeastern to equip students to serve the church and fulfill the Great Commission at all points on the globe.

Beginning in 2009, Southeastern has co-sponsored an annual conference with 9Marks Ministries on aspects of church life and health. The 9Marks at Southeastern Conference occurs each Fall semester.

Preview Days
Preview Days at Southeastern are unique opportunities to see firsthand what God is doing at Southeastern, to hear from faculty and students, and to fellowship with others who are discerning a call to ministry. Students visit classes, tour the campus, meet with President Akin and his wife, and meet with various faculty and staff.

Family Life Conference
Dr. Akin and his wife, Charlotte, host a Family Life Conference frequently, which is designed to enrich the lives of married couples and to equip those who are not yet married.

Global Missions Weeks
Once every three years, Southeastern partners with the International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board for a Global Missions Week that features work being done around the world. Students have the opportunity to meet church planters and mission strategists from both of the SBC mission boards.

L. Russ Bush Center for Faith & Culture

Southeastern takes seriously its responsibility to equip students to live out the faith within their cultural contexts. The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture (CFC), established in 2006 and named for Southeastern’s academic dean and Professor of Philosophy who served from 1989-2008, was conceived in light of this responsibility. It has a two-fold purpose: (1) to convey graciously and apply effectively the Christian worldview to all areas of culture and to the human condition, and (2) to encourage and support the Church in its redemptive work. Thus the Center exists to serve the Church by equipping faculty, students, alumni and Southern Baptist churches to fulfill the Great Commission.

The CFC, located on the 2nd floor of Patterson Hall, provides opportunities for interaction on current cultural issues through conferences, symposia, workshops, and lectures on a variety of topics. The CFC provides resources to faculty, students, alumni, SBC pastors and churches, and the broader community.

Lewis A. Drummond Center for Great Commission Studies

Southeastern is a Great Commission seminary, and the Lewis A. Drummond Center for Great Commission Studies (CGCS) is the hub of Southeastern’s Great Commission efforts. Established in 1990 and named for Southeastern’s fourth president, the CGCS is committed to ​developing faculty members and students who are Great Commission servants of their local churches.

In addition to promoting and offering logistical support for Southeastern’s missions programs, the CGCS also engages in global research efforts and mobilizes Southeastern faculty and students in short-term missions. The CGCS presently supports five to ten short-term trips per year, focusing primarily on those who have little or no access to the gospel, with the purpose of developing Great Commission students and faculty through strategic involvement in church planting.


CGCS campus-wide events include the Gathering (early Fall semester), Global Missions Week (early Spring every year), and Commissioning Chapel (late Spring semester). The CGCS also hosts a number of visitors who speak in classes and are available to students to discuss field opportunities. The CGCS is located on the 1st floor of the Jacumin-Simpson building.

The Southeastern Center for Pastoral Leadership and Preaching

The Southeastern Center for Pastoral Leadership and Preaching exists to equip and encourage pastors to lead healthy, disciple-making churches for the glory of God around the world. The Center represents an intentional bridge between the seminary and the local church.

At Southeastern, we believe leadership and ministry skills development are responsibilities of discipleship and thus should be an intentional part of every local church ministry. Through the Center for Pastoral Leadership and Preaching, we offer assistance, resources, and training to our students, as well as to pastors and churches, to further equip them to serve well in the crucible of real life ministry.

The Center exists to equip and encourage pastors to lead healthy disciple-making churches for the glory of God around the world. It was founded in 2013. For more information, click here .

Writing Center

The Writing Center at Southeastern fosters a campus-wide culture of critical thinking and writing that plays a key role in how students and faculty create and communicate knowledge within academic and ministerial settings for the glory of Jesus Christ. The Writing Center’s mission is not remediation but revision; it offers instruction and help for writers of all ability levels to improve their writing processes and products.

Planted in the library commons, the Writing Center consists of faculty instructors and several student-staff writers, all of whom offer personal assistance with the craft and conventions of composition, or the research-writing process, for all writing projects. Most frequently, writing consultants provide critical dialogue and informed feedback on project drafts to help writers improve their written projects by improving writing skills, all in a manner that is respectful, friendly, and confidential.

The Writing Center offers three modes of help: face-to-face appointments made at WCOnline (for all students), feedback via e-mail (reserved for distance-learning students), and a web site with popular lessons, templates, and resources for writers working through the drafts and crafts of the writing process.

An appointment consists of meeting with a writing consultant, usually with a draft paper for critical dialogue and informed feedback about the paper’s argument, style, and conventions, but may also address specific or general questions about an assignment or developing a research plan. An appointment may focus on a specific writing project (e.g., discussing purpose, audience/expectations, research question, literature review, thesis, evidence, organization, significance, focus, voice, etc.) or focus on selected writing strategies (e.g., moving from a topic to a research question to an answering thesis to outlining reasons and evidence to structuring the introduction and conclusion) or focus on selected writing skills (e.g., arguing a case, developing paragraphs, integrating sources, applying citation styles, and editing sentences for clarity and style). The Writing Center encourages each student to appreciate his or her vocation as a student-writer, whose ideas are created, organized, communicated, and evaluated through writing.

Ledford Student Center

Ledford Student Center
This center includes a gymnasium, fitness center, racquetball courts, and recreation facilities for students and their families. Student Services offices, including the Dean of Students office, are housed in the Ledford Center and are available during normal business hours.

Student Life
The Student Life Office (SLO) serves students by providing opportunities for community building, spiritual formation, and ministerial preparation. Each year the SLO holds eight to ten student events, such as Coffee Houses, Study Breaks, and Campus-wide Cookouts. The SLO also organizes intramurals in a number of sports, including basketball, flag football, volleyball, walley ball, ultimate Frisbee, ping pong, racquetball, wiffleball, along with various one-day tournaments.

The SLO manages the Residence Life Program for the College at Southeastern and student judicial affairs. The SLO is located on the first floor of the Ledford Center.

Discipleship and Spiritual Formation

The Office of Discipleship and Spiritual Formation (DSF) serves the students by providing and facilitating opportunities for discipleship here at Southeastern and in the local church. Our office coordinates a yearlong discipleship program for all incoming college students. DSF hosts other forums in order to train students to make disciples and grow in their relationship with Christ. DSF also serves our International Community at Southeastern by assisting them in their transition to this institution. The DSF office is located on the first floor of Ledford (Room 112).

Women’s Life
The Women’s Life Office (WLO) aims to serve women in the Southeastern community and in local churches by encouraging them to live according to God’s design as established in His Word. The purpose of the WLO is to prepare women for ministry in their homes, churches, and communities, so that they will be better equipped to fulfill the Great Commission.

The WLO administers the Biblical Women’s Institute, a non-degree program comprised of practical courses designed for women who are preparing for Christian service in their homes as well as through local churches or other ministry settings. In addition, the WLO provides counseling services for women, coordinates Connecting Point, the campus ministry for women, and LEAD{women}, a ministry that sends Southeastern women to speak and teach at women’s ministries in local churches. The WLO is located on the second floor of the Ledford Center, in the lobby of the Cannon Gymnasium.

Financial Aid
The Office of Financial Aid (FA) serves Southeastern by connecting students to scholarships, grants, and loans in order to help them finance their education in preparation for ministry. Financial Aid is located in the Student Resources Office in Ledford.

Ministry Referral Office
The Ministry Referral Office (MRO) serves Southeastern students and alumni in their effort to serve the church and fulfill the Great Commission by connecting them with ministry opportunities. Ministry Referral provides various avenues for students, graduates, and ministries to supply the necessary information to facilitate the referral process. MRO is located in the Student Resources Office in Ledford.

International Student Services
The Office of International Student Services (ISS) serves international students by helping them to follow all government and school regulations. All inquiries related to international student issues should be made at the ISS in Student Resources Office in Ledford. These issues include, but are not restricted to, immigration status, employment restrictions, social security number acquisition, student aid, and counseling.

Employment Services
Employment Services serves students and their families by helping them locate appropriate employment based on family, class schedule, and income needs. Employment Services include, but are not limited to, job placement, resume preparation, and financial counseling. Part-time and full-time positions are available. Employment Services is located in the Student Resources Office in Ledford.

The Court
The Court is the campus café, located on the main floor of the Ledford center. The Court serves a variety of sandwiches and salads during the lunch hour.

The Locker
The Locker, also on the main floor of the Ledford Center, sells Southeastern logo wear and basic school supplies. Additionally, the Mail Room/Post Office and Copy Center are located in The Locker. Some services offered in The Locker include copy, fax, laminate, and School ID’s. Moreover, an ATM is available for use outside the Post Office as well.

Post Office
Located in The Locker at the Ledford Center, the Post Office maintains mailboxes for residents of Goldston Hall, Bostwick Hall, and Lolley Hall. Single stamps are available for purchase. Also available are services for mailing packages, include Printing, Priority Mail, Media mail, and Air mail.

Center for Spiritual Formation & Evangelical Spirituality

At Southeastern Seminary, we believe one of the great needs among this generation of Baptists and other evangelicals is a healthy approach to spiritual formation and Christian spirituality. To that end,The mission of the Center is to promote spiritual maturity and the cultivation of a robust evangelical spirituality for the glory of God, the health of the church and the advancement of Christian mission.

The Center is concerned with a number of key questions facing Christian leaders: What does it mean to be a mature follower of Jesus Christ? How best can pastors and other leaders equip Christians to grow in their spiritual lives? What spiritual disciplines and other practices best aid us in our spiritual maturity? What is the relationship between spirituality, theology, and mission? What are some of the best resources available to pastors and other ministry leaders who are interested in spiritual formation, spirituality, discipleship, and related topics?

For more details, click here . 

Other Student Services

The switchboard is the first point of contact and gateway to any Southeastern office. Switchboard operators are available Monday through Friday from 7:45am to 5:15pm to help connect you with the appropriate office, professor, or department and field basic inquiries about campus events. The switchboard may be reached at (919) 761-2100.

Campus Housing
The Housing Office maintains dorms, apartments, and town homes for Southeastern students and their families. They offer affordable options for single students, married students, and commuting students. For more information see the Campus Housing  section of the catalog.

Campus Security
Campus Security is available to maintain a safe and secure campus environment and to protect the institution’s assets. Security personnel monitor Southeastern’s campus, including the housing and parking areas, and are available 24 hours a day at (919) 291-1903.

Southeastern’s parking areas are designed to provide as many students as possible with adequate parking for attending classes and using the buildings as needed. Color-coded signs are posted at every parking area, and color-coded tags are assigned to each student. Parking tags are issued each semester during matriculation and must be displayed at all times while on campus. Parking tags are to be renewed online, and any questions regarding parking should be directed to the Campus Security Office.

Center for Health
During sessions, Southeastern operates an on-campus Center for Health, directed by a physician. Routine medical services are available to registered students, spouses, and their children ages 12 and up. Office visits incur no expense to the student, but insurance may be filed. Medical services include: travel medicines and vaccines, wellness screening (including cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure determination), and women’s health (including Pap smears).

Students may purchase general medicines and certain medical supplies through the Center for Health as prescribed by the campus physician. All medicines must be paid for at the time they are issued. Students should obtain and maintain health insurance for medical services which may not be provided by the Center for Health.

Appointments are recommended and can be scheduled by calling (919) 569-0003. The office is usually open on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Student Spouses
Student spouses may enroll in Seminary classes for a reduced fee. Often, special evening classes or lectures are arranged for their convenience. Spouses may also take part in campus organizations such as the Seminary Choir and intramural. All spouses are invited to participate in campus social functions and various special interest activities.

Spouses seeking employment have a wide range of possibilities in the area. The Employment Office aids both students and spouses in finding employment. As Southeastern employs a number of administrative assistants, secretaries, and other skilled persons, on-campus positions are sometimes available.