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Academic Catalog
    Sep 23, 2024  
Academic Catalog - Fall 2015 
Academic Catalog - Fall 2015 [ARCHIVED]

Course Descriptions

Courses with codes 1000-4999 are Undergraduate level offerings. Courses with codes 5000-7999 are Graduate level offerings. Courses with codes 8000 and above are Advanced level offerings.


Christian Education

  • CED 6830 - Ministry of Christian Education with Single and Older Adults

    A study of the characteristics and needs of single and older adults giving special attention to religious development. Possible programs churches may use in ministry with single and older adults are considered. 3 semester hr(s).
  • CED 6840 - Christian Education with Exceptional Children and Adults

    A summary of the special needs of exceptional children and adults, including mentally impaired, physically disabled, sensory impaired, learning disabled, behaviorally or emotionally impaired, and/or academically gifted. Emphasis will be placed on developing programs for and ministering to exceptional persons in the local church. 2 semester hr(s).
  • CED 6850 - Family Life Education

    A survey of Christian family ministries. An emphasis will be placed on development of ministry to families through the local church. 3 semester hr(s).
  • CED 6890 - Developmental Issues Across the Life Span

    A study of the developing individual in the span of life from birth through early adulthood. The course is designed to provide a foundation for understanding human personality, describe the processes of human growth and development, give an in depth treatment of the characteristics and needs of the major life stages, and integrate the biblical perspective of human personality and development. Application of theories of growth and development will be made in educational leadership counseling and discipleship contexts.
  • CED 6891 - Child and Adolescent Development

    A study of the human growth developmental process of children, birth through seventeen years. Physical, mental, social/emotional, and moral/spiritual characteristics are identified and related to implications for parents and teachers. Developmental theories are explored and observations are made. 3 semester hr(s).
  • CED 6900 - Statistics for Educational Settings

    An introduction to the use of the scientific method to engage in research through appropriate research design methods, sampling, and statistical tests as well as quantitative strategies. The course will stress analysis and interpretation and provide students with the basic tools of research. 3 semester hr(s).
  • CED 6901 - Tests and Measurements

    An introduction to psychometric theory, with special emphasis upon different types of tests for aptitude, achievement, and prediction. Use of tests for educational, clinical, and research purposes will be examined. 3 semester hr(s). Spring Odd Years
  • CED 6911 - Practicum in Principles of Learning and Teaching in Christian Education

    An in-service experience, with opportunity for planning, executing, and evaluating a special program or project in “Learning and Teaching in Christian Education,” through which relational, methodological, and content competencies for the ministry of Christian Education may develop. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. P/F
  • CED 6921 - Practicum in Educational Administration

    Planning, directing, and evaluating a special program or project in the context of the work of a minister of education. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): CED 6520 (courses may be taken concurrently) P/F
  • CED 6951 - Practicum with the Preschool Child

    Observation and participation in a special program or project with preschool children, in selected settings, or in the Child Development Center. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): CED 6750 P/F
  • CED 6952 - Practicum with the Elementary School Child

    Planning, executing, and evaluating a special program or project with elementary school children in selected settings. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): CED 6551 P/F
  • CED 6953 - Practicum with the High School Student

    Planning, executing, and evaluating a special program or project with junior or senior high school students in selected settings. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): CED 6553 P/F
  • CED 6954 - Practicum with the College Student

    Planning, executing, and evaluating a special program or project with college students in selected settings. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): CED 6554 P/F
  • CED 6955 - Practicum with the Adult

    Planning, executing, and evaluating a special program or project with adults in selected settings. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): CED 6555 P/F
  • CED 6961 - Practicum in Personal and Church Renewal

    A workshop approach offering a deeper exploration and integration of ways to renew the life of churches today. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): CED 6650 or permission of instructor P/F
  • CED 7600 - Present Issues in Christian Education

    A review and appraisal of some contemporary issues in Christian education in the world today, including technological, behavioral, denominational and cultural factors. 3 semester hr(s).
  • CED 7700 - Theological Foundations for Christian Education

    An exploration of the theological perspectives concerning the educational questions of content, teacher, pupil, context, methodology, and objectives. It will examine the ways in which differing theological concepts affect the nature and purpose of Christian education practices. Not open to first-year students 3 semester hr(s).
  • CED 7951 - Advanced Practicum in Christian Leadership

    In-depth study of a specific area of educational ministry, leading to the planning, directing, and evaluating of an approved program or project. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor P/F
  • CED 7961 - Advanced Practicum in Church Growth

    An advanced workshop approach in spiritual formation and renewal of the life of the church. 2 semester hr(s). P/F
  • CED 7991 - Advanced Practicum in Learning and Teaching

    An advanced in-service learning experience related to a Seminary course of the student’s own choosing, achieved by doing in-depth study in the subject, and by assuming the roles of “learning-teaching consultant” and of “associate learning leader” to the professor of the course. The course in which the practicum is done should have been taken previously by the student. Special permission of the professor of the course and of the practicum is required. 3 semester hr(s). P/F
  • CED 9900 - Seminar in Christian Education

    An intensive survey of current issues in Christian education. 3 semester hr(s).
  • CED 9950 - Seminar on Contemporary Trends in Christian Education

    Research in major current trends in Christian Education. 3 semester hr(s).


  • COM 1100 - Communication

    An introduction to the theory, basic principles, and methods of oral communication with emphasis on improving speaking and listening skills in the context of interpersonal communication, small group discussion, and public speaking. 3 semester hr(s). Fall and Spring semesters.
  • COM 2610 - Argumentation and Debate

    A study of the methods and theories of argumentation and discussion. Attention is given to research, analysis and case building, and oral participation. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): COM 1100 .
  • COM 3610 - Bible Exposition I

    An introduction to Bible exposition with an emphasis on the teaching and preaching of Scripture based on the intended meaning of biblical texts. 3 semester hr(s).
  • COM 3620 - Bible Exposition II

    A continuation of COM 3610  focusing on sermon delivery including the preparation and presentation of sermons by class members. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): COM 3610 .
  • COM 3630 - Great Preachers

    A study of outstanding preachers, their life and times, methods and messages, contribution, strengths and weaknesses. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): COM 3610 .
  • COM 4540 - Biblical Preaching [Topic]

    A study of the effective use of the Bible in preaching. Attention will be given to the interpretation of the Scripture in the work of preaching with emphasis on their relevance to the contemporary situation. May be taken more than once for credit, if a different topic. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): COM 3610 . Spring semester in odd-numbered years.
  • COM 4650 - Evangelistic Preaching

    A study of the content and structure of evangelistic preaching, with special attention given to the invitation, the evangelistic series, a program of evangelistic preaching, and the sermons of great evangelists. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): COM 3610 .


  • CIS 1100 - Introduction to Computers

    An introduction to the use of the computer for academic work, focusing on the Microsoft Windows operating system and Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Students are also advised concerning the proper use and the abuse of technology. 3 semester hr(s).

Doctor of Education

  • EDD 8000 - EDD Continuous Enrollment

  • EDD 8100 - Leadership of Educational Ministries

    A broad scope of past theories and current trends applicable to educational leadership will be examined in light of biblical truth and Christian philosophy. Topics include the changing roles that are required of leaders, the complexity of organizational structure, and the dynamics of organizational conflict. 3 semester hr(s).
  • EDD 8110 - Church Administration and Management

    This course examines the biblical, theological, and philosophical foundations for church administration and management. It analyzes the impact of organizational culture upon the ministry of Christian Education. 3 semester hr(s).
  • EDD 8120 - Learning Theory and Instructional Design

    This course will provide an understanding of learning and the processes of instruction for educational practice in both formal educational and church-related settings. It will focus on the major theories of learning and relate them to the design of instruction. 3 semester hr(s).
  • EDD 8130 - History and Philosophy of Education

    This course will provide background on the historical and philosophical foundations for educational practice in both educational and church-related settings. It will examine current philosophies and focus on the historical development of church education from the primitive church to the present and the major philosophies of education in practice today. 3 semester hr(s).
  • EDD 8140 - Spiritual Formation and Discipleship

    This course examines the biblical, theological, and philosophical foundation for spiritual growth and discipleship. Careful attention will be given to evaluating the process of spiritual growth, nurture, and discipleship within the Christian faith. Contemporary approaches to discipleship will be examined both in the context of the church and Christian organizations. 3 semester hr(s).
  • EDD 8150 - Psychological Foundations for Education

    This course examines the physiological, intellectual, behavioral, and spiritual foundations for education. Careful attention will be given to the complex interrelatedness of these factors in human growth and development. 3 semester hr(s).
  • EDD 8160 - Sociological Foundations for Education

    This course examines the family, community, church, and cultural foundations for education. Careful attention will be given to how the learning of the individual is affected by each of these groups, as well as the positive and negative role the media plays in the growth of the individual. 3 semester hr(s).
  • EDD 8170 - The Doctrine of Humanity

    This course is designed to deepen the student’s knowledge of the central theological issues involved in the doctrine of humanity. To be specific, this seminar will include examination of contemporary options concerning human nature, discussion of the challenges raised by science to traditional understandings of humanity as created by God, a survey of biblical teaching on the human constitution, exploration of the meaning of being created in God’s image, created male and female, and created for work and a comparison of humanity as created, fallen, redeemed, and glorified. In addition, students will have the opportunity to do research relating aspects of the doctrine of humanity to their specific interests. 3 semester hr(s).
  • EDD 8201 - Integrative Seminar I

    An academic forum conducted by the education faculty exclusively for Ed. D. students. Issues and developments in the ministry of Christian education leadership will be addressed. 3 semester hr(s).
  • EDD 8202 - Integrative Seminar II

    A continuation of EDD 8201 . 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): EDD 8201 .
  • EDD 8301 - Specialized Study I

    Specialty area classes will be developed in concert with the makeup of the areas of concentration of each cohort. Specialty area classes will include a concentrated look at Christian school administration, curriculum development and writing, and topics related to local church leadership. 3 semester hr(s).
  • EDD 8302 - Specialized Study II

    A continuation of EDD 8301 . 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): EDD 8301 .
  • EDD 8501 - Mentorship and Guided Research I

    Guided reading, specialized research, and preparation for doctoral examinations and dissertation prospectus under the supervision of the faculty mentor. 3 semester hr(s).
  • EDD 8502 - Mentorship and Guided Research II

    A continuation of EDD 8501 . 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): EDD 8501 .
  • EDD 8900 - Advanced Statistics for Educators

    This is an advanced course in statistics which will assist students in the analysis of data generated from research in the social sciences, obtained in a Statistics I course. In the first half of this course, students will learn several quantitative methods for determining the relationships between variables, such as regression, multiple regression, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). An overview of statistical software packages will be given. The second half of this course will introduce students to qualitative methods. The qualitative focus will be on interviewing and participant observation as methods for the collection of data in naturalistic social settings, with simultaneous data analysis. Students will cover the history of such approaches, ties between methods and theory, basic methods, and typical analytic approaches. Students will also study current issues and debates relevant to this set of approaches in generating knowledge. Students will understand how these topics relate to real-life research applications. 3 semester hr(s).
  • EDD 8910 - Research Methods

    The primary purpose of this course is to prepare the student to conduct educational research at the graduate level and to develop the skills necessary for writing an effective research proposal. Students will work through the steps of the process of research through planning, conducting, and evaluating a research project. Included will be quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods designs.

    The readings and exercises in this course are designed to assist the student to choose and develop an acceptable research problem, review the research literature, and address the methodological issues of the research project. The student may choose to use this class to guide the writing of the dissertation proposal. If this is done, the student must be in consultation through the process with his or her major professor. All substantive and procedural issues must result from a collaborative effort between the student and major professor. 3 semester hr(s).

  • EDD 8920 - Dissertation

    Students are required to register for at least four 3-hr courses (total of 12 hours) to complete their dissertation.

Doctor of Ministry

  • DMN 8000 - DMN Continuous Enrollment

  • DMN 8141 - Project Design Workshop

    A practicum designed to equip the student with the appropriate methods of research leading to a valid project proposal. Attention will be given to research and assessment tools as well as ministry project paradigms. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8142 - Research Design Lab

    A lab experience utilizing the classroom experience and personal coaching to prepare a student to develop an appropriate research design for the Ministry Project to measure success or failure of the Ministry Project goal. Attention will be given to research design, methods of data collection, and assessment tools for analysis. 1 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8151 - Ministry Project and Project Report Writing I

    D.Min Ministry Project and Project Report Writing I. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8152 - Ministry Project and Project Report Writing II

    3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8160 - DMN Program Orientation

    This workshop is an overview of the Doctor of Ministry Program. It is designed to offer new students guidance through the program specifications, an introduction to the various support components of the program, preparation for critical thinking, an update on ministry trends and issues, and orientation to research/writing skills. This workshop must be taken during a student’s first seminar week. 1 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8170 - Selected Topics in Integrative Theology 1: Sanctification

    Applied Theology Workshops (1, 2, and 3) held each morning during a DMN seminar to assist students in learning how to apply theology as foundational to the ministries these students will develop in the future and prepare them for the biblical and theological foundations section of their projects. Workshops 1 & 2 will focus on ecclesiology and its expression in the life of a believer. Workshop 3 will focus on the development of biblical and theological support for their projects setting them on the path for quality Projects and Project Reports. 1 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8171 - Selected Topics in Integrated Theology 2: The Church

    Applied Theology Workshops (1, 2, and 3) held each morning during a DMN seminar to assist students in learning how to apply theology as foundational to the ministries these students will develop in the future and prepare them for the biblical and theological foundations section of their projects. Workshops 1 & 2 will focus on ecclesiology and its expression in the life of a believer. Workshop 3 will focus on the development of biblical and theological support for their projects setting them on the path for quality Projects and Project Reports. 1 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8172 - Selected Topics in Integrative Theology 3: Ministry

    Applied Theology Workshops (1, 2, and 3) held each morning during a DMN seminar to assist students in learning how to apply theology as foundational to the ministries these students will develop in the future and prepare them for the biblical and theological foundations section of their projects. Workshops 1 & 2 will focus on ecclesiology and its expression in the life of a believer. Workshop 3 will focus on the development of biblical and theological support for their projects setting them on the path for quality Projects and Project Reports. 1 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8301 - Turnaround Strategies for the Church

    This seminar focuses on church revitalization through a careful study of church turnaround strategies to help churches to move from decline to healthy existence. Attention will be given to the purposes of the church in relation to the condition of a church. These purposes will form the impetus for turnaround strategies. Different turnaround strategies will be identified, evaluated, and compared in an effort to increase the skill-level of students to lead churches in revitalization. Students will be able to design a turnaround strategy in one’s ministry setting. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8302 - Contemporary Issues Facing the Church

    This seminar focuses on helping church leaders to understand contemporary issued facing the church with the goal of properly contextualizing the Great Commission and revitalization efforts within a changing context. Attention will be given to various internal and external issues that affect the church. Skills will be developed to analyze and respond biblically to these issues. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8303 - Managing Change and Conflict in the Church

    A practical and analytical study of organizational change dynamics and biblical perspectives related to the nature of personal and group change processes. Special attention will be given to church polity, the role of personality, the role of power and authority in leading change and managing conflict, and the toll of conflict upon ministers. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8304 - Strategic Leadership in the Church

    An advanced examination of the leader’s role in developing Great Commission strategy. Attention will be given to strategic issues relevant to Great Commission mobilization as well as the integration of theory and practice into strategic methodologies for the local ministry context. Strategies for addressing current issues will be developed. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8311 - Contextualized Learning Experience in Church Revitalization I

    An advanced practicum designed to utilize field experience in the student’s ministry setting to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specified attention given to Church Revitalization. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8312 - Contextualized Learning Experience in Church Revitalization II

    An advanced practicum designed to utilize field experience in the student’s ministry setting to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specified attention given to Church Revitalization. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s):  
  • DMN 8313 - Contextualized Learning Experience in Church Revitalization III

    An advanced practicum designed to utilize field experience in the student’s ministry setting to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specified attention given to Church Revitalization. 2 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s):  
  • DMN 8401 - Recovering the Heart of the Great Commission - Foundations in Disciple-making

    Disciple-making is at the heart of the Great Commission. Recovering the centrality of disciple-making is integral to any ministry context. This course will address the biblical, theological and historical foundations for missional disciple-making through rigorous reading, thoughtful discussion, intensive research, and focused writing. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8402 - Cultivating Spiritual Formation through the Disciplines

    The purpose of this course is to study the connection between spiritual formation and disciple-making, the stages of faith, and the effects of the spiritual disciplines on faith development. This course will equip ministers to discern the development of believers and to lead believers in the spiritual disciplines as a part of faith development. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8403 - Leadership Responsibilities and Issues in Disciple-making

    The purpose of this course is to study the role of the spiritual leader in the disciple-making process and to identify the critical issues in disciple-making. This course will equip ministers to lead in the disciple-making process with skills to work through the issues arising in the disciple-making process. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8404 - Leading Your Ministry in Intentional Disciple-making

    The purpose of this course is to equip the minister in leading a culture of disciple-making following the pattern established by Jesus and His disciples. Careful attention will be given to evaluating the process of spiritual growth, nurture and disciple-making within the Christian faith. Contemporary approaches to disciple-making are examined both in the context of the church and Christian organizations. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8411 - Contextualized Learning Experience in Intentional Disciple-making I

    An advanced practicum designed to utilize field experience in the student’s ministry setting to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specified attention given to Discipleship. 2 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8412 - Contextualized Learning Experience in Intentional Disciple-making II

    An advanced practicum designed to utilize field experience in the student’s ministry setting to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specified attention given to Discipleship. 2 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8413 - Contextualized Learning Experience in Intentional Disciple-making III

    An advanced practicum designed to utilize field experience in the student’s ministry setting to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specified attention given to Discipleship. 2 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8501 - Theoretical & Foundational Issues in Faith & Culture

    The course considers the theoretical and foundational issues of faith and culture with specific focus on their relevance to the practice of apologetics, ethics, and philosophy. Topics defined and examined include current, critical issues facing the church. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8502 - Biblical & Theological Foundations for Faith & Culture

    The course focuses upon a contextual examination of the biblical and theological basis and nature of faith and culture studies. Attention will be given to the biblical critique of contemporary methodologies. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8503 - Historical & Contemporary Models of Faith & Culture

    The course encompasses a survey of the historical movements and models of faith and culture with a focus on current practice. The practical evaluation of contemporary methodologies used in the local ministry context will be required. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8504 - Practical & Strategic Issues in Faith & Culture

    The course examines practical and strategic issues relevant to faith and culture as well as the integration of theory and practice into strategic methodologies for the local ministry context. Strategies for approaching current issues will be developed. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8511 - Contextualized Learning Experience in Faith & Culture I

    The course will utilize field experience in the student’s ministry setting to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specific attention given to faith and culture. Topics will also include development instructions for the Ministry Project and Project Report. 2 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8512 - Contextualized Learning Experience in Faith & Culture II

    The course will utilize field experience in the student’s ministry setting to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specific attention given to faith and culture. Topics will also include development instructions for the Ministry Project and Project Report. 2 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8513 - Contextualized Learning Experience in Faith & Culture III

    The course will utilize field experience in the student’s ministry setting to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specific attention given to faith and culture. Topics will also include development instructions for the Ministry Project and Project Report. 2 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8601 - Foundations for Christian Leadership

    An advanced study of the theoretical, biblical, and foundational issues of Christian Leadership with specific focus on their relevance to the practice of leadership. Topics examined include current literature on the topic, critical issues facing the church. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8602 - Leading and Managing Your Ministry

    An advanced study of the organizational leadership and management practices for leading a ministry. Attention will be given to the biblical critique of contemporary methodologies.
  • DMN 8603 - Managing Change and Conflict in the Church

    A practical and analytical study of organizational change dynamics and biblical perspectives related to the nature of personal and group change processes. Special attention will be given to church polity, the role of personality, the role of power and authority in leading change and managing conflict, and the toll of conflict upon ministers.
  • DMN 8604 - Practical & Strategic Issues in Christian Leadership

    The course examines practical and strategic issues relevant to Christian Leadership as well as the integration of theory and practice into strategic methodologies for the local ministry context. Strategies for approaching current issues will be developed. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8611 - Contextualized Learning Experience in Christian Leadership I

    An advanced practicum designed to utilize field experience in the student’s ministry setting to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specified attention given to Christian Leadership. Topics will also include development instructions for the Ministry Project and Project Report. 2 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8612 - Contextualized Learning Experience in Christian Leadership II

    An advanced practicum designed to utilize field experience in the student’s ministry setting to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specific attention given to Christian Leadership. Topics will also include development instructions for the Ministry Project and Project Report. 2 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8613 - Contextualized Learning Experience in Christian Leadership III

    An advanced practicum designed to utilize field experience in the student’s ministry setting to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specific attention given to Christian Leadership. Topics will also include development instructions for the Ministry Project and Project Report. 2 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8701 - Advanced Biblical Counseling Methods for Mental Disorders

    An in depth study of etiology, dynamics and counseling of selected mental disorders within the context of the development of Biblically-grounded Christian perspective on psychopathology and the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): This seminar will require four master-level seminars in biblical counseling/counseling/pastoral counseling or equivalent training. letter every semester
  • DMN 8702 - Biblical Counseling of Problematic Emotions and Addictions

    An advanced study of selected psychiatric issues from the perspective of biblical counseling. Attention will be given to understanding and critiquing contemporary methodologies. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8702 - Biblical Counseling of Sexual Disorders and Dysfunctions

    An advanced study of the Biblical Counseling response to sexual disorders and dysfunction with attention to God’s design for human sexuality, its disordering by sin, Satan, and this world, and how it is redeemed and reordered through the ministry of biblical counseling in the church community. The seminar will address marital sexual dysfunction, homosexuality, sexual addition, and sexual abuse. Attention will be given to understanding and critiquing contemporary methodologies from a biblical perspective. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): This seminar will require four master-level courses in biblical counseling/counseling/pastoral counseling or equivalent training. letter Annually in the spring
  • DMN 8703 - Advanced Biblical Counseling in Marriage and Family Issues

    An advanced study of the biblical approaches and issues of biblical counseling related to marriage, family, and relational issues. The practical evaluation of contemporary methodologies used in the local ministry context will be required. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): None Letter every semester
  • DMN 8704 - Critical Issues in Biblical Counseling

    The course examines practical and strategic issues relevant to counseling as well as the integration of theory and practice into strategic methodologies for the local ministry context. Strategies for approaching current issues will be developed. 3 semester hr(s). letter every semester
  • DMN 8711 - Contextualized Learning Experience in Counseling I

    An advanced practicum designed to utilize field experience in the student’s ministry setting to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specific attention given to biblical counseling. Topics will also include development instructions for the Ministry Project and Project Report. 2 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8712 - Contextualized Learning Experience in Counseling II

    An advanced practicum designed to utilize field experience in the student’s ministry setting to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specific attention given to biblical counseling. Topics will also include development instructions for the Ministry Project and Project Report. 2 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8713 - Contextualized Learning Experience in Counseling III

    An advanced practicum designed to utilize field experience in the student’s ministry setting to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specific attention given to biblical counseling. Topics will also include development instructions for the Ministry Project and Project Report. 2 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8801 - Recovering the Heart of the Great Commission-Disciple-making

    Disciple-making is at the heart of the Great Commission. Recovering the centrality of disciple-making is integral to any ministry context. This seminar will address the biblical, theological and historical foundations for missional disciple-making through rigorous reading, thoughtful discussion, intensive research, and focused
    writing. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8802 - Contemporary Issues Facing the Church

    This seminar focuses on helping church leaders to understand contemporary issues facing the church, with the goal of properly contextualizing Great Commission and revitalization efforts within a changing context. Attention will be given to various internal and external issues that affect the church. Skills will be developed to analyze and respond biblically to these issues. 3 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s): DMN 8811 
  • DMN 8803 - Great Commission Mobilization Strategies

    An advanced study of Great Commission mobilization through missions and church planting. Attention will be given to current strategies being used by local churches, the IMB, and NAMB. The focus will be on awareness of current methodology in relation to biblical basis and personal ministry setting. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8804 - Strategic Leadership in the Church

    An advanced examination of the leader’s role in developing Great Commission strategy. Attention will be given to strategic issues relevant to Great Commission mobilization as well as the integration of theory and practice into strategic methodologies for the local ministry context. Strategies for addressing current issues will be developed. 3 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8811 - Contextualized Learning Experience for Great Commission Leadership I

    An advanced practicum designed to utilize field experience in the student’s ministry to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specific attention given to missions, evangelism and church planting. 2 semester hr(s). Prerequisite(s):  
  • DMN 8812 - Contextualized Learning Experience for Great Commission Leadership II

    An advanced practicum designed to utilize field experience in the student’s ministry to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specific attention given to missions and church planting. 2 semester hr(s).
  • DMN 8813 - Contextualized Learning Experience for Great Commission Leadership III

    An advanced practicum designed to utilize field experience in the student’s ministry to test and apply theory and methodology in the practice of ministry, with specific attention given to missions and church planting. 2 semester hr(s).

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