Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary offers the Master of Divinity degree, with several tracks, as a first professional degree for Christian ministers. The Seminary also offers several Master of Arts programs, the Masters of Church Music, and several certificates and diplomas. Advanced graduate-level work includes the Master of Theology, two professional doctorates (Doctor of Ministry and Doctor of Education), and an advanced research doctorate (Doctor of Philosophy).
The College at Southeastern is a school of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. The College offers undergraduate baccalaureate and associate degree programs as well as a Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies.
Academic Calendar 2012-2013
Summer 2012
5/21-6/8* |
Summer School Session I (3 weeks) |
6/11-6/29* |
Summer School Session II (3 weeks) |
6/19-6/20 |
Southern Baptist Convention, New Orleans |
7/2-7/20* |
Summer School Session III (3 weeks) |
7/4 |
Independence Day-Seminary Closed |
7/23-8/10* |
Summer School Session IV (3 weeks) |
* Individual Classes will vary as to start and/or end dates |
- Please check the official class schedule or contact the Registrar’s Office for specific classes. |
Fall 2012
8/10-8/17 |
College Welcome Week |
8/13-8/14 |
Faculty Workshop |
8/15-8/17 |
Orientation and Matriculation |
8/20 |
Classes begin |
8/21 |
Fall Convocation, 10:00 a.m. |
9/03 |
Labor Day - Seminary closed. Extension classes do not meet. |
9/04 |
Last day for adding courses. Self-Service is open until midnight. |
Last day to notify Registrar of desire to graduate in December. |
9/10 |
Last day for dropping courses and withdrawing without academic penalty (5:00 p.m.). |
10/8-10/12 |
Fall Break |
10/15-10/16 |
Fall meeting of the Board of Trustees and Board of Visitors |
11/1 |
Last day to submit Theses, Project Reports and Dissertations to Major Professor for the December commencement exercises |
11/16 |
Last day to withdraw from a class with a grade of “W” |
11/19-11/23 |
Thanksgiving Recess |
12/1 |
Last day to submit Theses, Project Reports and Dissertations to The Library for the December commencement exercises |
12/12 |
Last day of classes |
12/13 |
Semester ends. Graduation Rehearsal, Binkley Chapel, 9:00 a.m. |
12/14 |
Commencement Exercises, Binkley Chapel, 10:00 a.m. |
J-Term/Spring 2013
01/02-01/18* |
January Inter-term |
* Individual Classes will vary as to start and/or end dates |
- Please check the official class schedule or contact the Registrar’s Office for specific classes. |
01/16-01/18 |
College Welcome Week |
01/16-01/17 |
Orientation and Matriculation |
01/21 |
Classes begin |
01/22 |
Spring Convocation, 10:00 a.m. |
02/01 |
Last day for adding courses. Self-Service is open until midnight. Last day to notify Registrar of desire to graduate in May. |
02/08 |
Last day for dropping courses and withdrawing without academic penalty (5:00 p.m.). |
03/25-03/29 |
Easter Recess - classes do not meet |
03/31 |
Easter Sunday |
04/01 |
Last day to submit Theses, Project Reports and Dissertations to Major Professor for the May commencement exercises. |
04/15-04/16 |
Spring meeting of the Board of Trustees and Board of Visitors. |
04/19 |
Last day to withdraw from a class with a grade of “W” |
04/22-04/26 |
Spring Break |
05/01 |
Last day to submit Theses, Project Reports and Dissertations to The Library for the May commencement exercises. |
05/15 |
Last day of classes |
05/16 |
Semester ends. Graduation Rehearsal, Binkley Chapel College 8:30 a.m.; Seminary 10:30 a.m. |
05/17 |
Commencement Exercises, Seminary 10:00 a.m., College 3:00 p.m. |
Summer 2013
05/20-06/07* |
Summer School Session I (3 weeks) |
06/10-06/28* |
Summer School Session II (3 weeks) |
06/11-06/12 |
SBC- Houston, TX |
07/01-07/19* |
Summer School Session III (3 weeks) |
07/04 |
Independence Day - Seminary closed |
07/22-08/09* |
Summer School Session IV (3 weeks) |
* Individual Classes will vary as to start and/or end dates |
- Please check the official class schedule or contact the Registrar’s Office for specific classes. |
Academic Policies for All Students
Academic Regulations
The Senior Vice President for Academic Administration/Dean of the Faculty administers the academic policies and procedures of Southeastern. These academic regulations are established by the Faculty under the authority of the Board of Trustees. Southeastern reserves the right to change academic policies and requirements as needed. Questions concerning the current status of all academic matters should be addressed to the Registrar.
The information in this catalog applies to the academic year 2012-2013 only. Southeastern reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to review, modify, amend, alter, rescind, abolish, or delete any provision of this catalog or of any other catalogs, policies, publications, or statements of the seminary. This right includes, without limitation, admission or graduation standards, degree requirements, and accreditation of academic programs. The most current version online is always operative.
Students may take advantage of any improvements that appear in later catalogs while they are enrolled. A student who withdraws from enrollment for more than one academic year will be required to re-enter under the catalog current at the time of readmission.
Doctrinal Guidelines
Since Southeastern’s founding in 1950, each elected member of the faculty has publicly signed the Abstract of Principles at the beginning of his or her teaching career at the Seminary. Southeastern’s faculty members also publicly sign and affirm The Baptist Faith and Message statement as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000. Trustees have also approved the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy and Hermeneutics and the Danvers Statement as doctrinal guidelines for the school.
Student Records
Southeastern has established and is committed to certain guidelines for maintaining the confidentiality of student educational records in keeping with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA generally bars colleges from releasing any educational records that include “personally identifiable information” without the student’s consent). Current personal educational records, including transcripts, enrollment records, and academic plans, are not released or shown to anyone other than Southeastern personnel except in accordance with the written consent of the student.
Access to these files by Southeastern personnel is allowed under the authority of the Senior Vice President for Academic Administration on a need-to-know basis for honors evaluation, routine processing, academic concerns, and to fulfill necessary administrative tasks. Student records are otherwise held in confidence.
A student’s permanent academic record consists of the following:
- Completed application for admission
- Transcripts from all institutions attended
- Final Southeastern transcript (showing degree received and the date awarded)
- Graduation application with the final degree check
- Original church recommendation for admission
- Annual Church Membership verification forms
- Copies of any correspondence regarding disciplinary issues and the student’s written response(s), if any. U.S. Courts have ruled that disciplinary files qualify as “educational records” under FERPA.
- Any other information deemed pertinent to a student’s academic history
A student has the right, with the Registrar present, to view his or her permanent file but is not allowed to alter the content in any way except by the addition of written and signed correctives. Failure to provide truthful and/or accurate information on applications, church certifications, or on other permanent records provided by the student may be grounds for dismissal.
Directory information published by the Seminary is in the public domain. Students may request that the school not disclose directory information about them. This may be done by completing a General Request Form available from the Registrar. Questions regarding directory information and/or permanent student records should be directed to the Registrar.
Annual Certification of Church Membership
Southeastern seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping students to serve the church and fulfill the Great Commission. Therefore, to promote accountability in each student’s participation in a local church, each student is required to furnish an annual certification form from the church in which he or she is a member.
Annual verification of church membership must be provided every fall semester no later than December 1. Without this verification, a student will be unable to register for the spring semester. Due to the tuition subsidy from the Southern Baptist Cooperative Program, the forms must indicate membership in good standing in a Southern Baptist church in order for the student to be eligible for the discounted Southern Baptist tuition and fees. Special instructions regarding the forms and church membership are listed below. If the student is a:
- Church Member or Church Staff- the form should be completed by the pastor after congregational action as certified by the church clerk.
- Southern Baptist Pastor-the form should be completed by the deacon chairman after congregational action as certified by the church clerk.
- Non-Southern Baptist Student-this form should be completed by appropriate church officials at the church where membership and attendance is recognized. These students must pay non-Southern Baptist fees.
Chapel Attendance
Because worship is at the heart of God’s design for His children, chapel is at the heart of campus life at Southeastern. It is a time when college and seminary students, faculty, and staff come together for corporate worship of our great God and Savior.
Chapel services are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. Occasionally, there are Wednesday chapel services as well. Chapel is an important component of spiritual life and discipline. Faithful attendance, even on those days when we might not be inclined to come, builds a wise Christian habit that will honor God and strengthen our walk with Christ. The goal of Southeastern’s administration is to foster a spirit of worship and instruction through prayer, Scripture reading, singing, and faithful exposition of the Bible. All students are required to attend chapel in accordance with chapel polices as stated in the Student Handbook and agreed to in the Southeastern Covenant.
On campus students are expected to attend in person. Students with extenuating circumstances may set up an appointment with the Dean of Students or Director of Student Life to request permission to listen to chapel messages online.
Our desire is for as many students to gather, as much as possible, for corporate worship. Therefore, Distance Learning and Commuting Students are asked to make every attempt to order their schedule in a way to adhere to chapel requirements in person. If, however, the student’s schedule, throughout their time as a student, does not allow them to attend in person, they have the option of listening to chapel services online.
Graduate students are required to attend twenty (20) chapel services or listen to twenty five (25) chapel services online during four (4) semesters of enrollment.
Undergraduate students are required to attend twenty (20) chapel services or listen to twenty five (25) chapel services online during six (6) semesters of enrollment.
Quality Points
Quality points are awarded on the following basis: One point is awarded for each semester hour earned with the grade D; two points are awarded with a C; three points with a B; and four points with an A. No points are given for the grade F. Students must complete their work with an overall average of 2.0 in order to receive their degree. If a student repeats a course, the higher grade will be used to calculate GPA, though both marks will be noted on the student’s transcript.
Evaluation and Grading
Each faculty member is responsible for setting the requirements for courses and for informing students of the grading scale that is used (usually on the course syllabus). The symbols defined below are used for all degree programs. The numerical guidelines are recommendations, affirmed by the Faculty, but they are not enforced as policy. Variations in numerical grading are common based on variations in testing methods and class content, but the A grade would rarely be given for averages less than 90 even in the more difficult classes, and averages less than 60 should, as a rule, be considered failing.
A |
The A grade recognizes a student’s exceptional ability and outstanding performance in the class. When numerical scores are used, an A typically indicates scores of 95 - 100. |
B |
The B grade signifies that the student has demonstrated a better and more effective command of the material than is generally required to pass the course. 87 - 94. |
C |
The C grade is the certification that the student has demonstrated an acceptable level of competency in the course of study. A student must achieve a cumulative average grade of C (2.0) in order to graduate. 77 - 86. |
D |
The D grade signifies that the student’s grasp of the academic components of the course was minimal or deficient, but the instructor believes that the student would not significantly profit by repeating the course. 70 - 76. |
F |
The F grade indicates a student’s failure to master the essentials of the course. A student must repeat the course before credit may be allowed. Grades received when the failed course is repeated will be used to calculate final GPA. Students must achieve an overall average of C in order to receive their degree. 69 - or below. |
E |
Conditioned. The professor may choose to give this grade in continuing courses to a student who has not met the minimum requirements but shows promise of sufficient improvement in the second semester to be given a permanent grade of D. A grade not less than C must be earned in the continued course the following semester; otherwise, the grade of E becomes F. |
I |
Incomplete. If circumstances prevent an otherwise competent student from completing the requirements of a course by the end of the class schedule, the instructor may assign the letter I. The student must complete the work of that course as quickly as possible and must do so by the end of the fourth week following the end of the course. If the grades on incomplete work have not been submitted to the Registrar by six weeks after the end of the course, the Registrar is instructed by the Faculty to record the grade of F. |
W |
In cases of authorized withdrawal after the drop deadline, if the instructor has no data for evaluation, the grade of W will be submitted. Otherwise, the faculty member will be requested to submit a grade of WP (withdrew passing) or WF (withdrew failing) depending on the student’s status at the time of withdrawal. (See Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing from Courses.) |
P |
Certain specified courses are taught on a pass/fail basis and are graded P or F. While pass/fail courses may count as elective credit toward a degree, a student must have a minimum of 85% of all degree credits in graded classes. GPA is calculated on the basis of graded classes only. The grade P does not affect GPA; however, the grade F does affect the GPA as it would in a graded class. |
CR |
Transfer credit accepted. Transfer credit does not affect a student’s GPA. |
NG |
No grade given, is used for certain courses not required for the completion of an advanced degree. |
Class attendance
Regular class attendance is expected and students are responsible for completing all assignments. The individual instructor is responsible for his or her attendance policy. Instructors are at liberty to assign a failing grade to any student who is absent from 25% or more (for graduate students) or 15% or more (for undergraduate students) of the scheduled class meetings regardless of assignment and/or examination grades.
Academic Load
Full-time undergraduate academic course load is 12-16 hours per semester. An undergraduate student must receive prior approval from his/her academic adviser, the Registrar, and the Dean of the College in order to take more than 16 hours per semester, including hours taken concurrently at another institution. (Additional information may be found in the Concurrent Enrollment section below.) An undergraduate student may not take more than 21 hours per semester.
Full-time graduate academic course load is 9-16 hours per semester. The maximum academic load for graduate programs is 18 credit hours per semester. An average academic load of 15 hours per semester enables the M.Div. with Pastoral Ministry degree to be earned in six semesters. The M.Div. degree is normally an intensive three-year program of study for a full-time student.
Students are expected to give priority to the program of study in which they have enrolled. When a student assumes responsibilities in addition to academic work, there is an ethical obligation to fulfill all these tasks in a satisfactory manner. Extracurricular responsibilities require a corresponding reduction in the student’s academic load. Students should consult with their faculty advisor each semester to discuss an appropriate course load in light of non-academic responsibilities.
Campus housing is available to students who are enrolled in a minimum of six hours of classes in the college or the seminary, but priority will be given to full-time, degree seeking students. Enrollment is encouraged but not required in the summer terms. Students actively engaged in course work for advanced degree programs are considered to be full-time students regardless of course load and thus are eligible for student housing. The Housing Office can provide details and priority guidelines.
Coursework for credit taken at other schools concurrently while enrolled at Southeastern requires the prior approval of the Dean of the Faculty.
Student Classification
A Senior is a seminary student who has 33 or fewer semester hours remaining toward his or her degree. A Junior is a seminary student who has earned fewer than 31 semester hours toward his or her degree. A Middler is an M.Div. student whose achievement level falls between the other two classifications.
Classification |
Hours Completed |
Freshman |
0-29 |
Sophomore |
30-62 |
Junior |
63-95 |
Senior |
96-128 |
Progress Reports
Records of academic progress toward the completion of a degree are maintained on all students. Semester grades, Academic Plans, and unofficial transcripts can be obtained online through Self Service.
Students must achieve a minimum cumulative grade point average of C (2.0) in order to graduate. It is the responsibility of the student to check his or her record in the Registrar’s office to determine if qualifications for graduation have been accomplished or can be scheduled. This graduation check and degree audit should be made no later than the preregistration period for the semester prior to the semester in which graduation is planned. This will allow the student two full semesters to complete courses required for graduation in a specific degree program.
Students who qualify to graduate should submit a graduation application to the Registrar’s office no later than October 1 for December graduation and no later than February 4 for May graduation. Students submitting graduation applications after these dates will be required to pay a late fee (see Fees and Expenses ). No graduation applications will be accepted after October 1 for December graduation and after March 1 for May graduation. Any transcript corrections (including grades, transfer credits, advanced standing credits, etc.) must have been made by this time in order to complete the graduation check. Students must have their accounts paid in full in order to graduate.
Academic regalia must be ordered from the LifeWay Campus Store within the first three weeks of the semester in which the student wishes to graduate. The prescribed regalia list is available from the Lifeway Campus Store.
Students are required to be present at graduation exercises in order to receive their diplomas. A student is excused from attendance only by written permission of the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs/Dean of the Faculty (if a graduate student) or the Dean of the College (if an undergraduate student). Written requests specifying the unusual circumstances leading to such a request to graduate in absentia must be submitted by the student to the appropriate dean no later than three weeks prior to the date on which he or she is scheduled to graduate.
Academic Warning, Probation, and Suspension
- Academic Warning: Any student who does not achieve a semester GPA of 2.0 for a given semester will receive an Academic Warning.
- Academic Probation: Any student whose cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0 will be placed on Academic Probation. The student will not be permitted to take more than 9 hours (if a graduate student) or more than 12 hours (if an undergraduate student) in subsequent semesters until his cumulative GPA rises to or above 2.0. The student must complete an Academic Probation Student Agreement form (available from the Registrar’s Office online self-service page) that acknowledges his need for improvement and describes the actions he intends to take to improve. The student will meet with his advisor to discuss the form and his advisor should sign it. The student will then submit the completed form to the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs/Dean of the Faculty (if a graduate student) or the Dean of the College (if an undergraduate student), at which point it becomes part of the student’s academic record. The student will not be permitted to register for courses for the following semester until the Academic Probation Student Agreement form has been received by the appropriate dean. Academic Probation will be noted on the student’s transcript for each applicable semester.
- Academic Suspension: Any student who earns a semester GPA below 2.0 for two successive semesters after being placed on Academic Probation will be placed on Academic Suspension. The student must withdraw from enrollment for one semester. After the semester of suspension the student must appeal to the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs/Dean of the Faculty (if a graduate student) or the Dean of the College (if an undergraduate student) to reenroll, which includes the completion of an Academic Probation Student Agreement that describes the actions he intends to take to improve his academic performance. Upon reenrollment, the student enters on Academic Probation status. Academic Suspension will be noted on the student’s transcript for each applicable semester. More information is available in the Graduation section of this catalog.
Academic Integrity/Policy on Plagiarism
Academic Integrity
Students often have class assignments that involve academic research. In preparing their papers and other assignments, students must not copy the work of others. Any direct quotations must be documented. Summaries and paraphrased materials must also be noted with reference in the text or notes to the original sources. Students should document their sources and maintain the highest standards of academic integrity in all of their work. Plagiarism, cheating on tests, and other forms of academic fraud will not be tolerated. Students who engage in such activity will receive a failing grade on any fraudulent work and may receive a failing grade for the course. All instances of such behavior will be recorded on an offending student’s record with the Registrar and deans. In addition, the Dean of Students reserves the right to take disciplinary action against those guilty of such behavior.
Southeastern Policy on Plagiarism
Students in attendance at Southeastern are expected to maintain high standards of academic integrity appropriate to a Christian lifestyle. Plagiarism and cheating in any form will not be tolerated.
Integrity requires that the Christian student conduct him or herself according to the highest academic standards. Plagiarism is a very serious offense because it is stealing. Not only does plagiarism steal from the original author, it also takes away from the student the opportunity to learn and grow in the way the assignment was intended to provide.
What is plagiarism?
Joseph Ribald defines plagiarism in this way: “Derived from the Latin word plagiaries (‘kidnapper’), plagiarism refers to a form of cheating that has been defined as ‘the false assumption of authorship: the wrongful act of taking the product of another person’s mind, and presenting it as one’s own’ ” (MLA Handbook, 6th ed. [New York: Modern Language Association, 2003], 66, quoting Alexander Lindey, Plagiarism and Originality [New York: Harper, 1952], 2). Plagiarism can be committed in a number of ways, four of which are highlighted here:
- Quoting one or more sentences verbatim without proper citation. This is the most obvious form of plagiarism. In addition, using unattributed direct quotations is a violation of US copyright law. Electronically cutting and pasting is easy to do, so it presents a definite temptation-especially if a deadline for an assignment is looming.
- Presenting the thoughts or ideas of another without proper attribution. Many students fail to realize that this practice is also plagiarism even if a student writes the summary himself. If one paraphrases the work of another, then he must give a proper citation.
- Borrowing without proper citation such things as an outline, an idea, or an approach to dealing with a problem that is unique to an author. This type of plagiarism often results from poor note taking on the part of the student.
- Using improper methods of citation. The student is responsible for learning the appropriate rules for citing sources and for following those rules throughout the paper. Ignorance of the rules of citation is not an excuse.
For other definitions of plagiarism and ways to avoid it see Robert A. Harris, The Plagiarism Handbook: Strategies for Preventing, Detecting, and Dealing with Plagiarism (Los Angeles, CA: Pyrczak Publishing, 2001.) If there is a question as to whether a citation is necessary at a particular point, it is a good rule of thumb to include it. Very few papers are penalized for over-citing! In addition, help is available from professors, the Writing Center, and the Library regarding how to work with sources.
What is the penalty for plagiarism?
The penalty for plagiarism in a particular course is determined by the professor and generally will range from a failing grade for the assignment to a failing grade for the class. However, all instances of plagiarism are reported to the Dean of Students, along with a copy of the documents in question. The Dean of Students will take disciplinary action on behalf of the school, and the minimal action taken will be disciplinary probation. Disciplinary probation is defined in the Student Handbook as “notice to the violating student that if the inappropriate behavior is repeated, suspension or expulsion is likely.” The infraction will also be recorded in the student’s permanent file. A copy of the disciplinary letter will be sent to the student, the professor, the Registrar, the Dean of the College (in the case of an undergraduate student), and the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs/Dean of the Faculty.
The disciplinary letter will clearly state that in the event of a second offense the Dean of Students will report the matter directly to the Dean of the Faculty and the result can be expulsion from school.
Revocation of Degrees
Southeastern, by conferring a degree, does not provide a lifetime certification of the good character of the graduate, nor does it guarantee the orthodoxy or spiritual commitments of the graduate. Those who employ any graduate of the institution should conduct interviews and determine whether or not the graduate fits the expectations of the employer.
If it should be discovered after graduation that the student misrepresented personal data on application forms on which admission was improperly based, or if it is found that the student cheated on exams, received transcript credit for courses not actually taken or completed, committed plagiarism in academic papers, or otherwise engaged in academic fraud or other behavior that would have led to expulsion if known at the time, the student may have his or her degree revoked. The academic transcript will note any such revocation from the date of official action. A degree may also be revoked if it is discovered that a diploma was issued in error.
If the student believes the revocation is based on erroneous information or is unjust and appeals the ruling to the Registrar, the case will be reviewed by the Dean of Students, the Dean of the College, and the Senior Vice President for Academic Administration/Dean of the Faculty. The student would have the right to a hearing and may provide further information to resolve the issue. The decision of the Dean of the Faculty, if it is further disputed by the student, may be reviewed by the President using a procedure appropriate to the case. Unless overturned by the President, the Deans’ decision is final.
Short-Term Courses
Courses are offered between semesters on various schedules. Such classes help students to maximize their study opportunities. Students may not enroll in courses which overlap in days or times during any session. Course schedules are available online through Self-Service.
Auditing Courses
Students, student spouses, friends of the Seminary, and other interested parties may audit Southeastern classes, if there is space available, with the professor’s permission and payment of the audit fee. Audit applications are available from the Registrar’s office online self-service page. Doctoral seminars, doctoral languages and music classes are not eligible for auditors.
Changes in Registration
After registration, any changes in a student’s class schedule must be arranged through the Registrar’s office. No changes are permitted in enrollment or academic status after stated deadlines except by permission of the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs/Dean of the Faculty.
Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing from Courses
Courses may be dropped and fees refunded before the Add/Drop deadline without transcript notation. A fee is charged for each course dropped or added. See Fees and Expenses for fee amounts and the Academic Calendar for Add/Drop deadlines for each term.
After the drop deadline, withdrawals are allowed up to the end of the twelfth week of the semester. Withdrawals after that date are not allowed unless circumstances occur that were not present prior to the withdrawal deadline, and are beyond the control of the student, and prevent class attendance and/or completion of class assignments. Heavy workloads, church responsibilities, or other personal and/or family difficulties normally are not sufficient reasons for withdrawing from a class after the calendar deadline. If a student wants to withdraw from a class after the deadline, appeal must be made to the Associate Vice President for Faculty Support (if a graduate student) or the Dean of the College (if an undergraduate student) and will be approved only in rare circumstances. Fees will not be refunded for withdrawals. The withdrawal will be noted on the student’s transcript as WP or WF but will not affect the student’s grade point average.
Withdrawal from Enrollment
In order to withdraw from enrollment, a student must consult the Registrar, obtain certain required signatures, surrender serial identification cards, return all materials on loan to the Library, and clear his accounts with the Accounting Services office. A Withdrawal Procedure Form is available from the Registrar. Students whose withdrawals are completed before the final drop date will receive a refund of fees.
Students who have not completed requirements for a degree and who do not plan to enroll for the following term are required to withdraw from enrollment through the withdrawal procedure. Students who follow the approved procedure for withdrawal will have their admission status maintained for two regular semesters and may register for classes during any regular registration period during that year. Students who have been out of school for more than a year may be required to re-enter under the catalog in effect at the time of re-entry, as they will be required to reapply to the school.
Email and Computer Use
Electronic mail (email) is a vital communication tool for faculty, staff, and students at Southeastern. Each student must provide a valid email address during the initial registration process and must verify or update the email address at the time of registration each term. The given email address will be used for all official communication from Southeastern, including professors’ course communications. If the student does not have an email address, free email addresses are available from a number of providers including Google (, Yahoo (, and Microsoft (
Students will be provided a Southeastern User ID for logging into Southeastern internet services (including CampusNet, Self-Service, online course content, and online classes).
All students have access to the campus computer labs when classes are not being conducted in the labs. Nevertheless, students are strongly encouraged to purchase and learn to use computers with word processing and Internet capabilities.
Each professor may allow or disallow the use of portable computers in his/her classroom. Students should check with each professor about the rules for computer usage for that class. If portable computers are permitted, students should arrive early so that all set-up procedures are complete prior to the beginning of class, turning off all computer sounds, and sitting so that other students will not be distracted by computer images. Computers are to be used for class-related purposes only. If a professor thinks a student is being distracted from lectures or is using a computer for non-class purposes, the professor may revoke a student’s privilege as he/she deems appropriate.
Style Requirements for Writing Assignments
The standard style manual for all written work at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and The College at Southeastern is Kate L. Turabian, et al., A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers, 7th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007). Turabian style is required in all undergraduate composition classes. For any style matters not covered by Turabian, students are to follow The Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers, 15th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003).
Professors may require students in upper-level courses (college Junior classification and above) in English to submit written work in conformity to MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th ed. (New York: Modern Language Association, 2009). Professors may require students in upper-level courses (college Junior classification and above) in Education to submit written work in conformity to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2009).
The required style manual for the D.Min. and Th.M. is Kate L. Turabian, et al., A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers, 7th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007). The required style manual for all papers and dissertations in the Ed.D. program is the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2009).
The required style manual for all papers and dissertations in the Th.M. with Thesis and Ph.D. programs is The SBL Handbook of Style, ed. Patrick H. Alexander et al. (Peabody: Hendrickson, 1999). Exceptions are noted in the Ph.D. handbook. Participants who entered the program prior to Fall 2007 may continue to use Kate L. Turabian, et al., A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers, 7th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007), though they are strongly encouraged to use The SBL Handbook of Style. For any style matters not covered by the SBL Handbook, students are referred to The Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers, 15th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003).
Inclement Weather
As a general rule, classes will always meet. If extreme weather conditions affect campus operations, an announcement will be made on the website and on the following television stations: WRAL (5), WTVD (11), and WNCN (17). The switchboard will also be open during regular hours and will have the latest information at 919-761-2000. On days when Wake County Schools publicly announce that they are closed, delayed, or released early due to inclement weather or similar circumstances, students who live away from the main campus will not be penalized for failure to attend class during the time period specified. No one is expected to subject his or her life to any unusual danger in order to travel on days when severe weather is a problem, nor should preschool or school-age children be left unattended during such times. Nevertheless, classes, if at all possible, will meet at all scheduled times.
Academic Policies Unique to Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate Academic Advisement
Each College student is assigned an adviser to help with course scheduling, career planning, and personal concerns. College faculty members are assigned as academic advisers by the Registrar and cannot be changed except in rare circumstances and when approved by the Dean of the College. Freshman and Sophomore students are required to meet with their academic advisor each semester and must obtain approval from their advisor on all items submitted to the Registrar (including semester registration, add/drop requests, degree change requests, etc.). Junior and Senior students are encouraged to meet with their advisers when making academic decisions but are not required to do so. While academic advisors provide guidance and should be aware of all current academic policies, each student is responsible to be aware of and abide by current policies, procedures, and deadlines, and is responsible for his/her academic decisions.
Master’s Program Interaction
College students who have completed 114 hours or more toward the B.A. graduation requirements can be considered for conditional admission into one of the master’s programs in the Seminary. This allows students to begin some Seminary work toward master’s graduation requirements, as they concurrently complete their remaining B.A. requirements. Master’s courses generally are not transferable into the degree requirements of the College programs.
Information on the Southeastern Collegiate Partnership is included below.
Academic Policies Unique to Graduate Students
Field Ministry Requirement
Field Ministry is a vital part of every M.Div. degree offered at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. This component of each degree is designed to connect the student with a church to allow him to gain hands-on experience under the supervision of an experienced mentor. The purpose of field ministry is for the student to grow in his personal walk with the Lord, in his understanding of the ministry, and in his ability to minister to the church relative to his calling. The student will be challenged to integrate theological training with the practice of ministry.
There are three ways to gain field ministry experience at Southeastern. The first and most common way is for the student to participate in the field ministry class offered on campus relative to his or her degree (e.g., PMN 6590 for pastoral ministry students). These classes include significant field ministry components. Second, some students have opportunities to be involved in ministry settings that will not allow them to participate in the on-campus classes. These students may participate in a PMN 7900 Mentored Internship in lieu of the on-campus class. However, the student should be aware that this option requires a faculty sponsor to oversee the mentorship. The student is responsible to find a faculty member who will oversee the field ministry experience. Because of the extra work on the part of the faculty member, the student should see this option as an exception and not the norm. Finally, Southeastern has partnered with some healthy churches in our area (and near our Extension Centers in some cases) to develop Equipping Centers for the purpose of offering a significantly greater field ministry experience. These Equipping Centers normally offer a one or two year internship through which a student can gain field ministry experience. A student must be invited and approved by the individual Equipping Center in order to gain Field Ministry credit in this manner.
In any case, the student will be working with a Field Supervisor who must meet the requirements set by Southeastern and be approved by the professor and/or the Field Ministry Coordinator prior to the beginning of the student’s Field Ministry Mentorship. It is the student’s responsibility to contact and secure a Field Supervisor for his or her field ministry experience. Therefore, this process should normally begin before the start of the semester in which the student wishes to gain Field Ministry credit. While the professor and the Field Ministry Office will attempt to assist the student in securing a Field Supervisor, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility.
The student should obtain a copy of the Field Ministry Handbook in order to determine the best route to obtain field ministry credit. The Handbook can be acquired by contacting the Field Ministry Office at (919) 761-2460 or
Distance Learning
At Southeastern we recognize that commitments to family, work, and ministry make it impossible for some people to physically attend our main campus at Wake Forest for the total duration of their respective degree program. It may be impossible for students to attend or continue to attend one of our brick and mortar classrooms.
To meet these real needs an innovative system of delivering theological education has been developed that is academically sound, ministry focused, and Christ-centered. Whether it is through an online class or a face-to-face extension center experience, this program provides both a supplement and a front door to the world of theological preparation. The Office of Distance Learning is available to answer any questions concerning Distance Learning.
Online Courses
Southeastern offers several classes through an online-based delivery system. Online courses allow students to apply up to 42 credit hours toward our Master of Divinity degree and varying amounts toward our many Master of Arts degrees.
Online classes feature lectures by the same professors who teach on campus. Online students receive the same lectures, same materials, and same assignments as an on-campus student. Further information is available through the Distance Learning Office and the seminary website.
Extension Centers
Southeastern offers opportunities at several locations around the Southeast, called “extension centers,” for students to complete a significant portion of our degree programs in addition to taking classes on our main campus. These courses feature members of our faculty, qualified adjuncts, or doctoral teaching fellows leading face-to-face classroom experiences meeting in various locations such as churches, denominational buildings and other educational institutions. Courses are taught on a semester schedule, much like our main campus, but in an intensive manner. The courses do not count as “on-campus” credit hours. Most courses will meet either on Friday evenings and Saturdays.
The Office of Distance Learning, the Admissions Office or the seminary website can provide more specific information. Our centers also have local liaisons that can provide additional information.
Intensive and Hybrid Format Courses
Southeastern offers two on-campus course delivery formats, called intensive and hybrid format courses, which can aid Distance Learning students in meeting on-campus degree requirements without changing their primary residence. Several required courses are taught in an intensive format, where students meet on campus for an abbreviated period of time (usually one or two weeks). During the abbreviated time period, students receive the same amount of instructional time as full-semester courses. Students often complete course assignments (e.g., reading, written work, etc.) before and after the campus meeting time. The intensive format allows students to complete a required course while being on campus for only a short time.
Hybrid format courses are a second on-campus delivery format beneficial to Distance Learning students. Students watch recorded lectures via Southeastern’s online delivery system and, throughout the semester, interact with the professor and other classmates and complete course assignments by using Southeastern’s online course management system. During the semester, the class meets with the professor on campus for an abbreviated time period (usually a Friday and Saturday) for lectures, question-and-answer time, assignments, and live interaction. Attendance during the campus meeting component of a hybrid course is mandatory without exception for any reason.
Students may register for intensive and hybrid format courses through the regular course registration procedure.
Graduate On-Campus Requirements
M.Div. and M.A. students must complete the equivalent of one year (24 hours) of full-time academic study at the main campus. Not more than 6 of these on-campus hours may be taken in practicum courses, individualized study, travel-based courses, and similar special classes. Courses taken at other Southeastern extension center sites and online courses do not count as on-campus hours. In addition, at least one-half of the hours for any degree must be completed through Southeastern (including work taken at extension sites).
Our Tampa, FL extension center is approved to offer the entire MA Christian Studies degree on site. Students may earn up to 60 hours towards an MDiv in Tampa, FL; Charleston, SC; and Charlotte, NC. Students may earn up to 42 hours towards an MDiv in Anderson, SC and Richmond, VA.
Graduate International Students
International students who are in “F-status” must take the minimum load that their status requires. For Seminary students, this is nine credit hours. International students should consult with the Director of Financial Aid and International Students before making any changes to their class schedules that might affect their status. |